Delivery Prices
UK Shipping Destinations
Exact shipping rates for your order are shown after entering your delivery destination. However, approximate shipping rates are shown below:
UK Shipping & Packing Rates : Royal Mail
- Large Letter (under 25mm thick) up to 750g = £2.50 (plus VAT)
- Parcel 0.00 - 1.70kg = £4.49 (plus VAT)
- Parcel 1.70 - 2.00kg = £5.49 (plus VAT)
- Items heavier than 2kg but under 1.2m in length are usually dispatched by next day courier at £7.99 (plus VAT)
- Items longer than 1.2m are dispatched by next day courier at £12.50 (plus VAT)
International Shipping Destinations
- Shipping rates are determined by the weight, volume & value of your order.
- Please contact Smart Tune if you would like a quote for international shipping.
- If you have placed an order without obtaining a quote for international shipping, we will email you a shipping price. If you are not happy with the quote we will cancel your order and refund your payment.
Import Duties
- Import duties may be payable on orders shipped outside of the UK. Please contact your local revenue or tax office for advice.